This is the definitive guidebook describing the sport climbing found in the southern half of Montserrat that is situated 35Km northwest of Barcelona. This guidebook describes all the single pitch routes (and occasional double pitch routes) to be found on the southern conglomerate towers, pinnacles and faces, which is said to be the friendlier side of Montserrat. The guidebook covers 13 major rock climbing areas and over 1,700 routes from F3 to F9a . A details the many longer multi-pitch routes (some of which are trad).
For each rock climbing area there is a good location map, with symbols indicating if the area is in the sun or shade, how long the walk-in is, and how easy it is. The total number of routes for the area is also given along with the grade spread. All the routes are shown on clear colour topo diagrams with symbols indicating the types of bolts to be found. The guidebook also has lots of great photographs showing the diversity of the rock climbing to be found in the southern half of Montserrat.
Published in June 2018 (revised 2nd edition) this guidebook is in Spanish text only.
Number of pages is 356.
Size is 140mm x 192mm.
ISBN is 9788493952372.